Watch Live TV on Internet

Let's face it that deep inside each of us would never be ready to break goggle boxing habits. We belong to the generation deeply attached to our TV or computer monitors and able to watch thousands of episodes day-to-day. We get emotionally involved with the storyline of our beloved movie or find ourselves constantly humming the theme from our favorite sitcom...We are passionate about television and that is not to deny. So, if you are of the same mind, here is a list of TV streaming applications I'd recommend to any TV lover or movie fan.

Readon offers an extensive database of channels categorized by country and genre. In case you still can not find the channel you are looking for, you are to employ the search function or add it to the list by providing a link and filling in its name, genre, and type. Apart from TV and radio streaming, this extensive application comprises a built-in video converter, allows recording broadcasts and even has built-in parental control function to block some 'harmful for kids' channels.


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